Who we are...
My name is Kari M. Gardner and I am the founder of Stem & Leaf Vibrant Living. I'm a homeschooling mom, a health and goal setting coach, a holistic health practitioner, an acupuncturist, herbalist and energy healer and entrepreneur.
Stem & Leaf has been in the works since probably 2003, when I began a skincare company based on formulas from Traditional Chinese Medicine. I had always loved playing with herbs, and learning herbal medicine while in acupuncture school was a dream come true.
That business fell by the wayside as my studies became more and more rigorous. But, I continued to craft and brew concoctions for myself and my family.
With all of the craziness of 2020 and 2021, I shuttered my acupuncture practice of 15 years and did some soul searching. All along I had been helping families, particularly moms, figure out how to transition their families' diets, routines, and their homes to more natural and healthy options. I realized it was time to blend my roots of herbal product crafting and my coaching of families to healthier lifestyles.
I want Stem & Leaf to be part of the solution for families seeking out honest information about how they can keep themselves healthy. I want to help to decrease some of the overwhelm that comes with trying to make so many life changes. If you're trying to reduce toxins in your home or products, if you're trying to eat healthier, if you're trying to find more natural alternatives to medications, or if you're finding yourself meeting the joys and hurdles of homeschooling head-on, I'm hoping this will be the place for you. And, in joining this community, you'll find a sense of peace and knowing that you CAN do this. Because you are not alone and there are so, so many people out there who are doing it, too.
Much Love to all of you!
~ Kari